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Gilbert Colvin Primary School


Members of the Governing Body

Governor category and role Name Start Date Term Ends Pecuniary interests
Headteacher Liz Cohen N/A N/A None

Chair co-opted

James Clements 15.10.19 14.10.23 None
Vice Chair co-opted (safeguarding) Kate Clark 22.09.20 21.09.24 None
Co-opted Daniel Acheampong 17.03.22 16.03.26 None
Co-opted Ashlee Ramanathan 17.03.22 16.03.26 None
Staff Governor Russell Wilson 22.09.20 21.09.24 None
Co-opted Kieran Yeates 17.03.22 16.03.26 None
Parent Carla Moniz 18.05.22 17.05.26 None
Clerk Tracy Rubery 01.10.22 -- None

 The clerk can be contacted through the school office.