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Gilbert Colvin Primary School


To read our full Safeguarding Policy please visit our policies page

Our Safeguarding Team

The Gilbert Colvin Safeguarding Team is

Ms Cohen DSL
Mr Endacott DDSL
Mrs Turtington DDSL
Mrs Begum DDSL
Ms Fasham DDSL
Our priority is the safety and welfare of everyone in our school community.

Children are taught to share their worries and concerns with us, so that we can help them. In school we have a number of ways children can access help.

  • An experienced and fully trained team of DSL (designated safeguarding lead) and DDSL (deputies), all known to the children
  • A learning mentor who is Level 2 safeguarding trained
  • Two staff trained as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants
  • Worry boxes in every classroom
  • Information on the pupil page of the website
  • A sequence of 'My right to be safe' themes weeks across the school year

What happens when we have a concern?

As a school we always listen to children and believe them. If we think a child could be in danger we will telephone the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) for advice.

Sometimes raising concerns with parents and carers can mean having difficult conversations-all of our decisions put the child in the centre which we know is what our parents expect too.  Below you will find links to useful documents and processes.


Operation Encompass

The safeguarding of all of our children at Gilbert Colvin is paramount in all we do. Although we can often ensure this within our school community, there are times when we work with other agencies to support the well-being of children and families. The school is working in partnership in a project that will run jointly between schools and the Metropolitan Police Service. This project is known as Operation Encompass. Operation Encompass is the notification to schools that a child (under 18) has been exposed to, or involved in, any domestic incident. This will ordinarily be done by the start of the next school day. Operation Encompass will ensure that a specially trained member of the school staff, known as a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), is informed. The DSL can then use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to ensure the wellbeing of the child. The school may be able to make provisions or adjustments to assist the child and their family. We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.

You can find further information about this on the school’s website at: