Gilbert Colvin Primary School
P.E. and Sport
Our PE provision at Gilbert Colvin Primary School motivates and inspires children to be active. We enable children to participate in a wide variety of sports and physical activities which will have a positive impact on their life-long physical health and well-being. As well as developing independence, physical activity promotes collaboration, fairness and respect. It also promotes the Gilbert Colvin school values of perseverance, courage and integrity. Social skills and confidence flourish when in competitions, alongside coping strategies for success and failure. All of these factors help our children to follow the mentality of 'learn to compete, compete to learn'.
Two dedicated PE specialists teach our PE lessons at Gilbert Colvin. Our inclusive approach means that our enjoyable and challenging PE lessons are accessible to all. Children have opportunities to participate in exercise throughout the day during PE lessons, break and lunchtime provision, clubs and competitions.
We teach the NC through our clear and structured skills and knowledge progression. This ensures that skills and knowledge are built on and sequenced appropriately. This offers occasions to exploit cross-curricular opportunities that can be maximised.
Children develop a variety of skills through activities both indoor and outdoor, such as:
- Developing positive attitudes towards physical activity and fitness.
- Competing against oneself, with the sole aim to improve.
- Allow children to set personal goals and how they can work towards them.
- Understand success and failure.
- Celebrate and reward progress.
Indoor PE
- Gymnastics
At Gilbert Colvin we learn rolls, handstands, cartwheels and many more skills, as well as building confidence to explore different ways of challenging ourselves on and off the equipment.
We run a gymnastics club with all children being given the opportunity to take part in an annual competition.
- Dance
Children learn a dance related to a topic they are learning about in class. All children have the opportunity contribute to the choreography. Children take part in dance in a variety of ways: group work, partner work and individually.
Each year a dance team is selected to represent Gilbert Colvin in the Redbridge Dance Competition
Outdoor PE
- Outdoor Adventure
Children learn about map reading, orienteering, and teamwork. The activities within the subject develop skills in other areas of the curriculum, such as, geography, science and communication.
- Net and wall games
Children learn about hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness. Examples of net and wall games played at Gilbert Colvin include tennis and table tennis.
- Striking and fielding
These are activities in which players score points by striking an object and running to designated playing areas or prevent opponents from scoring by retrieving the object and returning it to stop the play. Examples of these games played at Gilbert Colvin are cricket and rounders.
- Invasion games
Tactical problems related to invasion games include maintaining possession, attacking and/or defending a goal, winning the ball. A big part of invasion games is being able to work as a team. Examples of invasion games that we play at Gilbert Colvin include, basketball, football, rugby, handball and hockey.
- Scooters and Cycles
In Year 2, children are given the chance to ride scooters. This gives them the chance learn the importance of balance and observation. They learn the importance of safety e.g. wearing helmets and checking their scooters regularly.
During Year 4, children are given the chance to ride cycles, following on from the skills they developed when riding scooters in Year 2. Children are encouraged to do a thorough check of their cycles before riding so that they are safe. They learn about cycle awareness, such as what they might see when riding on public streets e.g. cars, pedestrians or other cyclists. Children develop skills by riding around different courses using a variety of hand signals to inform other riders of their intended direction of travel.
Children are given the chance to represent the school in a variety of events and tournaments, helping to develop their self-esteem, confidence and well-being.
Our high quality PE provision improves and motivates children to engage and challenge themselves in a variety of physical activities.
We equip our children with the knowledge and skills to make healthy lifestyle choices and develop a life-long love of sport and participation in physical activity. This foundation prepares them with the knowledge and skills to lead happy, healthy lifestyles, and develop into the best person they can be.
P.E. at Gilbert Colvin
Here are some videos of the dances the children have practised ...