Gilbert Colvin Primary School
School Uniform
We understand that many families are facing financial challenges, and we strive to keep the cost of our school uniform as low as possible. To support this, we offer a second-hand uniform shop at the school, where good quality used items are available for purchase.
Children can wear uniform with or without the school logo, and non-logo items are widely available in high street shops and supermarkets. Uniform with the Gilbert Colvin logo can be ordered online through our official supplier https://khalsaschoolwear.co.uk/
Adhering to the school uniform policy is important for both behaviour and health and safety reasons. For example, jewellery should be kept to a minimum for safety, and all pupils are required to wear black shoes or trainers. Wearing the correct uniform helps foster a sense of belonging and unity within the school community.
School Uniform Requirements
- Plain black shoes or plain black trainers
- Grey or black skirts or trousers
- White shirts or white polo shirts
- Royal Blue sweatshirts/cardigans
Children will also need a school book bag (we do not have storage for large rucksacks).
On PE days, children come to school in their PE kit
- Trainers
- A pair of black jogging bottoms (Outdoor P.E.)
- A pair of black shorts (Indoor P.E.)
- White T-shirt
- School Sweatshirt